Improving your mobility is guaranteed to improve your golf swing. Your ability to move through the three planes of motion can tell us a lot about your mobility.
These planes are made up of sagittal, frontal and transverse movement. Exercise routines usually focus too much on the sagittal plane, creating weakness in the other planes. And weakness in even one of these planes restricts your mobility and puts you at higher risk of injury.
The Sagittal plane covers forward and backward movements. The lunge is an example of an exercise in the sagittal plane.
The Frontal Plane covers side-to-side movements. Lateral leg and arm raises are examples of exercises in the frontal plane.
The Transverse Plane cuts the body into top and bottom halves. Twisting movements like the golf swing happen in the transverse plane.
A swing assessment enables us to see if your ability to move through the three planes of motion is impacting your golf. Then we can decide whether an accommodating change in technique and/or a recommended visit to a fitness instructor would help.
If you engage in these exercises, you agree that you do so at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself.